With smart technology, you can have a home that is not only clean and tidy but also intelligent. For example:
Smart lights turn on automatically at the preset time; they’re perfect for those late night cleaning sessions!
The switch next to your bed turns off when it senses someone sleeping there so no more wasted energy unused by guest or family members alike…
Air purifiers are the key to a better life. They make everything smell fresh and clean, including your clothes!
With a robot vacuum cleaner, you can finally enjoy life without worrying about your home being dirty and clutter-filled. It’s like having an assistant that cleans up after yourself!
The Roomba 600 series robot vacuum
Let the Roomba 600 series robot vacuum take care of your home for you. It can learn what type or flooring is in place, then offer up custom schedules to keep it clean! And with an edge-sweeping brush that gets into corners and along edges too – this thing will make sure no surface goes overlooked.
The iRobot Roomba 600 series robot vacuum is the perfect way to keep your floors clean all year round. With Google Assistant and Alexa compatibility, you can start a cleaning session with just voice or use their app on iOS/Android devices! When it’s time for extra care in high pollen seasons (or pet shedding), this amazing machine will even suggest an additional regular maintenance routine-to make sure that dirt doesn’t stick around any longer than necessary.
Air purifier
With today’s alarming air quality, you should consider using an everyday filter for your home. When combined with a smart robot vacuum cleaner and the help of this device in cleaning up all those dirty particles from around our house it will be like living inside one big breathable room!
Samsung Air Purifier
Up to 99% of bacteria will be filtered out by current air purifiers using 3-layer Hepa standard filters. As with the Samsung model, there’s both a dust sensor that determines how dirty your room is and an automatic cleaning function for when you need it most!
SAMSUNG BESPOKE Cube Air Purifier AX350A9350G/AA
The perfect choice for parents with small children, this device provides fresh air and helps prevent respiratory illnesses. When you’re ready to bring home a pet later on down the line though (especially if they don’t enjoy being outdoors), be sure that it’s one of these models so your little ones can enjoy playing around them too!
By combining a robot vacuum cleaner and an air purifier, you can be sure that no pollution or disease-causing bacteria will get in through the windows of your home.
Smart health device
The future of healthcare is here! Researchers have found a solution that’s more friendly, and it involves wearables such as smartwatch or Google Glass… Studies show these devices are slowly replacing traditional medicines with their therapeutic power going even further in the coming years.
iOS Health App and Apple Watch
With the help of smart blood pressure and sugar monitors, you can now take control over your health. These devices offer advice based on thousands upon analytics results that are powered by AI technology – giving people like us an easy way to stay informed without having spend endless hours searching Google for information ourselves!
iHealth smart blood glucose meter
The Health app is a tool that can help you reach your health and fitness goals. You’ll find nutrition tips, meditation techniques, apps for healthier living all in one place!
It even has recommendations on what type of lifestyle would be best suited based off interests from Wearable records like workout history or heart rate variability analysis (which tells us how active someone might actually live). The data collected by these tools gets stored along side personalised third party application profiles so it’s never lost if something were to happen
Smart refrigerator
The fridge is a modern convenience that we all take for granted. Why bother checking when your food expires or whether you’ve bought enough? With today’s smart refrigerators, there are some great features to help make sure this never happens again! You can see what’s inside without opening the door and even tag items with expiry dates so they’re reminder about their reduced shelf life – perfect if going out isn’t an option but still need these reminders in advance
Smart refrigerator from Samsung
The connected apps on your phone can help you stay inspired with delicious recipes based off the food in and around home, as well as preferences for family members. It also integrates seamlessly into Family Calendar so that when it’s time to prepare dinner tomorrow night or Monday morning – all without having go back through old menus-you won’t have any trouble finding inspiration because this new technology does most work behind closed doors!
SmartHomeRV will constantly update the best devices for your family.